Sunday 28 September 2014

Phil's Old Love Sweater

Some background: many years ago, Roisin knit a sweater for her New Love, Phil. He has worn that sweater for years. There has been a reworking of the neck project of that sweater, fraught with drama (we may tell you the is pretty funny). Here's a link to a photo of the New Love sweater worn by Grandpa Phil with grandson Devin in his sweater.

Roisin finished this "Old Love" sweater for Phil a while back.  She started knitting this on their trip to Australia in April.  It was a design pattern-making venture.  Top down, no seams, nowhere, nohow.  It was knit throughout their visit with Bob (Roisin's son), and his wife Mylee and the three grandchildren, Finella, Declan and Seamus, and reached completion in Lund.

Being the 'Old Love' Sweater it has a few glitches which remain (what old love does not?), one major one that was hidden and covered up (knit police be aware!) and all in all it had quite the journey.  Roisin loves the yarn, Shepherd's Own all natural, undyed (takes her back to the olden daze) and is pleased with the perfect fit. As Phil appears to be. (The neck is perfect)

She will test this same sweater pattern again before she offers it for general consumption.  Not for the faint-fingered!

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